The famous Scottish, Glasgow based hi-fi manufacturer continues to offer a strong product line. Here at Infidelity we have many of Linn’s products on demonstration.

Known for their famous Sondek LP12 Turntable this continues to be hugely popular with our customers. It offers a sheer spectacular level of enjoyment when it comes to vinyl replay.

The range consists of Majik, Akurate & Klimax levels. Based around a streamer or that amazing LP12 you have choices with Linn. It does not stop there however. Linn are big players in the world of music streaming and continue to push the boundaries. The likes of their EXAKT and Space Optimisation technologies open up new possibilities for how we can integrate their products into your home. For more information on this be sure to check out our introduction guide here in our blog.

Linn also produce the configurable Selekt DSM solution consisting of a built-in pre-amplifier & streaming module, also enabling you to connect additional external sources, including your turntable via its dedicated MM or MC stage. This can be used with an existing power amplifier system, or be configured with an internal power amplifier module if preferred. It does not stop here, as you can configure Selekt to become your go to home cinema 5.1 processor/power amplifier solution. Last but not can also upgrade its DAC to Katalyst. High performance with flexibility in one box!

A word from Linn...

"A fighter pilot, sailor or artist is taught how to look, just like a musician or an audio engineer has to learn how to listen." Ivor Tiefenbrun MBE

The philosophy at Linn is very simple — if it sounds better, it is better. That’s why we always recommend you listen and compare music systems before choosing the right one for you. Choose from one of these pre-configured systems, or build the hi-fi of your dreams from the ground up -  that’s the flexibility of our modular approach. We have a complete range of individual hi-fi components so you can customise and mix and match to your heart's contentt -  find the perfect combination for your home.

Talk To Us About Linn